
ZTT Cable in Japan FOE 2011

Under FTTH By admin

 FOE (Fiber Optics Expo) 2011 is the Asia’s largest exhibition for optical fiber communication and NGN (Next Generation Network).  FOE was held at Tokyo Big Sight from 13-April to 15-April, 2011.  This exhibition included 40G/100G Device Zone, FTTH Zone, Optical Interconnection Zone, Optical Premises Network Solution Zone and Fiber Optic Cabling & Construction Zone.
ZTT Cable [...]


ZTT Invested RMB 1.18 Billion for Production of Optical Fiber Preform

Under FTTH, RF Cable By admin

To cope with the rapid development of 3G/4G and FTTx (Fiber-to-the-x) network construction globally, ZTT Cable invested RMB 1.18 billion to produce optical fiber preform in 2010. Optical Fiber Preform is the raw material of optical fiber and manufactured by a state-of-the-art technology. The production capacity at the first phase is 400 tonnes.  
ZTT Cable achieves [...]


FTTH (Fiber-to-the-Home) Global Ranking

Under FTTH By admin

FTTH Ranking Feb 2010
According to FTTH council 2009 research, the top three global rankings for FTTH penetration are South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. In terms of the total number of subscribers, the top three global rankings are Japan, China and South Korea. These countries have more than million households connected to FTTH. As one [...]


ZTT Cable in FOE 2010

Under FTTH By admin

FOE (Fiber Optics Expo) 2010 is the Asia’s largest exhibition for optical fiber communication and NGN (Next Generation Network).  FOE was held at Tokyo Big Sight from January 20 to 22, 2010.  The zones of this exhibition included 40G/100G Device Zone, IPTV/VOD Zone, FTTH Zone, Optical Interconnection Zone, Optical Premises Network Solution Zone and Fiber [...]


Hong Kong Ranked The 3rd At Broadband Quality Study

Under FTTH By admin

A study shows that broadband quality of Hong Kong was the third in the world, just followed with Japan, Korea, which also located at Asian pacific.

The study aims to highlight each nation’s ability to cope with next-generation web applications such as high-quality video streaming. It was carried out by a team of MBA students from [...]

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