Hong Kong Ranked The 3rd At Broadband Quality Study
A study shows that broadband quality of Hong Kong was the third in the world, just followed with Japan, Korea, which also located at Asian pacific.
The study aims to highlight each nation’s ability to cope with next-generation web applications such as high-quality video streaming. It was carried out by a team of MBA students from the Said Business School at the University of Oxford and the University of Oviedo’s Department of Applied Economics.
The study used nearly eight million records from broadband speed tests conducted by users around the world during May, 2008, through www.speedtest.net.
The deployment of FTTx service since 2004 in Hong Kong boosted up the high-speed broadband service in this Asia city. By now, over 99% of Hong Kong household was able to connect internet with broadband service.
PCCW was the largest telecom operator in this city, which dominant internet market with around 60% market share, providing internet service up to 1000Mbps. HKBN, the second market holder with around 20% of market share, was also providing FTTH service at same maximum speed with their own fiber network.
Global Broadband Quality Study Shows Progress, Highlights Broadband Quality Gap , Saïd Business School, Sep 2009
Japan tops world broadband study, BBC News, Sep 2009
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